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God loves you! To receive Him and to be born of His spirit, say this aloud: “Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins, come into my heart and I will live for you all the days of my life.”

If you prayed that prayer we believe you are born again according to the written word of God. We can send you information to confirm it.

If now you would like additional help, we encourage you to receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost. Say this out loud, “Father God, I am the righteousness of God because of Christ Jesus, I need additional help to fulfill your will and purpose, therefore, fill me with your Holy Spirit.”

The Bible says ask and you shall receive. Because, you asked, we believe you have received what you requested. Again, we can send you information on what you can expect.

If by chance you was once a believer but life got overwhelmed with circumstances, situations, doubts and challenges and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ, say this out loud, “Lord Jesus, I believe if I confess my sins, faults, slips and mistakes, you are faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I confess now and believe you have forgiven me.”

The Word of God clearly states if you confess your sins He is willing and able to forgive you and make you whole, one with Him again. Sin separates us from our savior, but we have access to Him because of His grace and mercy.

If you would like to become a partner with us to help spread the good news to others or participate in our ministry with your time, talents or treasures, please let us know. God has a space reserved just for you and your family here.

Remember, Jesus and the body of Christ love you and there is nothing you can do about it.